Friday, July 15, 2011

Critical Reflection #1: July 15th

Creating a leadership action project is more difficult than I thought it would be. There are so many different things that I want to do, especially after I heard all the wonderful stories of what previous LEI members have done as well as work with some of the organizations that were represented the last day of "boot camp." The most difficult part is that I want to do some sort of educational project in the Birmingham area, but it is hard to go ahead and start one when I am at home and about an hour and a half away from Samford. Also, two other girls are thinking about doing the same type of project together so that we can combine our grant money if we apply. We were thinking about working with children in the Pratt City area since they have been affected greatly by the tornadoes by forming a mentoring program with the children, particularly middle school aged children, and being a positive role model in their lives through this rough time to help encourage them to continue their education through high school and college and being a support system for them during these trying times. As I sit here and type this, I am so ready to go out there and do it now, but I'm not in Birmingham yet and we don't have all the info yet on what we can do and what they need from us. We have a back-up plan to work with a Birmingham City school if for some reason they do not need/want us to help. I guess that is one of my biggest worries right now. I always want to have a plan of what is going to happen. I am not where near spontaneous. I like to be told when something is going to happen so I can prepare and be ready for it. According to my MBTI, I am an ISTJ which makes perfect sense to why I am this way. Oddly, I am the world's worst at keeping up with a planner and writing out a complete schedule, but I like to know when things happen so I can put them on my calendar, and I work better with sticky notes in front of me everyday to remind me whether it is on my desk or my mirror. It is also slightly stressing me out about this blog entry as we are suppose to post it on Moodle today, but we don't have our Moodle accounts ready. It's a slow process to be able to be the opposite of my personality, but I am praying about all of the stuff I posted above and hopefully God will show some answers soon.

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